For rabbit owners (or soon to be rabbit owners)...
“Introducing - The Rapid Rabbit House Training Handbook!”
The fastest way to a well trained rabbit... GUARANTEED! |
No nonsense. Simple and easy to undersand... GURANTEED! |
Everything you need to know to house train your rabbit... GURANTEED! |
Easy to teach tricks that will impress your friends... GURANTEED! |
And much, much more! |
Dear Bunny Lover,
When properly trained, rabbits make the BEST house pets ever!
They're as cute as can be - just like a little puppy dog - only they don't grow much bigger, demand to be walked ever day and slobber all over your slippers!
Rabbits don't cost a lot to look after either. And they're not constantly begging for your attention. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs are great...
But if you don't have a lot of space or a lot of spare time, a rabbit makes a better house pet in my opinion.
IF properly trained that is...
Beware of Bad Bunnies
Proper house rabbit training doesn't require a lot of time, and it's easy too.
Even fun!
But unfortunately many people miss this crucial step out... Surprise, surprise, these people end up with almost "wild" animals - not well behaved, house trained pets.
So through no fault of their own, untrained rabbits can:
- Have Personality Problems: If cared for wrongly, rabbits can become timid, aggressive and very frustrated with life. This is unfair for your pet and for you... Yet a few simple training tricks can eliminate these problems for good.
- Damage To Your House: Again, knowing only a tiny bit of information can reduce or even eliminate the gnawing and scratching that would otherwise damage your carpets, appliances, furniture and more (costing you $$$)!
- Lack Discipline: Plus, if you're keeping your rabbit indoors then you'll not want it peeing anywhere it likes, and you'll want your rabbit to go to bed when it's told and not run around the house for hours while you chase it. Which WILL happen, unless you spend a little time training it...
The fact is, if you avoid taking the two or so short weeks to properly train your rabbit, you're setting yourself up for about five or more LONG years of anger, stress and frustration.
And frankly it's cruel on the rabbit too because if you can't trust and play with them, they have no life and spend most of their time locked up.
For those reasons you absolutely must house train your rabbit - if you plan on keeping it indoors of course - and by a long, long margin, the best way for you to do that is with the Rapid Rabbit House Training Handbook!
Why Listen To Me?
You may be asking yourself who am I, and what's so great about the Rapid Rabbit House Training Handbook...
Which is fair, you need to know that.
My name is Rachel Reeves and I am NOT a vet, zoologist, animal expert or anything like that... Which is actually a good thing... Unless you were actually looking for a 100 page book that rambles on and on about stuff you don't even need to know...
I hate to dissappoint but I'm just a normal person who has owned 3 rabbits now, and over that time I have learned (the hard way) what it takes to effectively train them, quick and easy. It took time, but...
I've Got a PROVEN Method Down Now
I can't promise you loads of scientific studies and insight into why rabbits are the way they are and so on. All I can share with you is the same training techniques and tips I have used to house train my rabbits.
Like I said, I am NOT a vet, zoologist, animal expert or anything like that... And that's a good thing! Because if this works for me, why wouldn't it work for you, right?
This is a down to earth, short and simple handbook. And most importantly you will get results. In fact I guarantee that... Which no one else will. More on that in a minute.
But first, let's take a quick sneak peek at what you'll get from the Rapid Rabbit House Training Handbook (so you know it's the real deal)...
Revealed: The Rapid Rabbit House Training Hanbook
Training Tips, Tricks And Techniques Anyone Can Use To House Train Their Rabbit Quickly And Easily... |
- How to pick the best type of housing for a house rabbit. Not just any old hutch will do, choose carefully because a stressed bunny means a stressed YOU
- How to toilet train your rabbit so it knows where to go and where not to go. Plus you'll also discover a tell tale, give away early warning sign your rabbit makes just before it is about to go. This means you can "interrupt" before it's too late
- Why spaying and neutering is the best policy. It will improve the relationship with your rabbit ten-fold making you a much happier pet owner
- How often you should groom your rabbit and why failing to do so is dangerous to its health, even deadly
- Why toys are extremely important for your rabbits well being. I'll even tell you some of the best ones to buy or make (great recession buster tip)
- How much water, hay and other fodd types your rabbit should have. And whether you should give your rabbit variety and keep a stable diet
This little handbook is jam-packed, so you might be suprised to learn it's only 18 pages long... But remember, I said I wasn't going to ramble on about stuff you didn't need to know?
This is all about valuable content, nothing else. After all, you don't have time to spend reading a big textbook, right? You want speed and results.
That's exactly what the Rapid Rabbit House Training Handbook is all about... And so sure I am, that's exactly what you'll get...
I GUARANTEE This Will Be The Fastest, Easiest Way For You To House Train Your Bunny!
That's right!
If you think the Rabid Rabbit House Training Handbook is NOT the fastest, easiest most sure-fire way to house train your rabbit, you don't pay me a single cent.
Nothing, nada, zilch!
All I ask is that you read the short 18-page handbook and try some of the techniques you discover. If they don't work for you, I will gladly give you your money back in full.
No questions and no hassles. |
I know how upsetting a misbehaved pet can be, and so if this doesn't work for you, you do not owe me anything because I feel I will have let you down.
And I can't have that. Even if this is ridiculously cheap (but very valuable) report.
BUT, I serioulsy doubt you'll need to take me up on this. It's simply here for your peace of mind though. You can try the Rabid Rabbit House Training Handbook absolutely, completely, 100% risk free for 90 days.
I can't make it fairer than that, okay?
Alright then...
So How Much Does This Cost?
For guaranteed results, not as much as you'd think...
Well I figure, what's 5 long years of peace of mind worth to you? And if you've got kids, think about what a well trained pet that they can play with is worth to them too? Quite a lot I'd think...
Quite a lot indeed!
With that in mind, I think a fair and realistic investment in this would be $47 but I know that will put most people off so I'm not going to ask for that. Even though it's still cheap at that price!
Instead I ask just $7 (that's less than what you'd pay for the same content at the bookstore) for this informative, incredibly quick read and valuable handbook.
That's it. But you're getting more than just one book for your seveteen bucks...
FREE BONUS #1: Rabbit Care & Training Cheat Sheet!
When you order right now, you'll also receive my Rabbit Care & Training Cheat Sheet!
This is simpy a single sheet of paper that summarizes everything you read in my report, so if you want to teach your rabbit something I share, but don't want to scroll through my whole report again... just glance at this convnient sheet cheat!
It saves time, and that's priceless!
FREE BONUS #2: Rabbit Buyer's Short-Cut Guide!
If you haven't bought your bunny yet (it's sensible to read my report first), then take my Rabbit Buyer's Short-Cut Guide with you to the store, when you're finally ready to buy your bunny!
On this convenient single sheet of paper, is a checklist of everything you might need to look care for your bunny...
So you won't forget anything and have to drive back to the pet store!
You Can't Teach an Old Bunny New Tricks!
Like all animals, it gets harder to train your rabbit, the older it gets. So don't put this off, I urge you to claim your copy of the Rapid Rabbit House Training Handbook right now while it's fresh on your mind!
The longer you wait, the harder it will be to train your pet rabbit.
Remember, you have 90-days to try the Rapid Rabbit House Training Handbook risk-free!
To get everything for just $7, click below now...
For more info about rabbits go to
Happy House Training!

Rachel Reeves Author
P.S. If you are having doubts, please feel free to give my handbook a try anyway. As you know, I GUARANTEE results 100% You can ask for your money back if it's even the least bit disappoiniting. Click here to get this now
P.P.S. A misbeahve pet is torturous. If you've had a pet before you'll probably know that. It's frustrating, stressful and really feels like it's not worth the effort. But just think, one or two weeks training is all it takes. Don't miss out this crucial step and you can have years of enjoyment and happiness. Click here to get this now
P.P.P.S. The older rabbits get, the harder it is to train them. So whether you already have a rabbit, or are about to get one - you need to know all this stuff right now - and you need to be using it. It will save you a load of headaches. Click here to get this now |